
Monday, October 26, 2009

Ordering your time by Imam Abu Hamad al Ghazali

You must not be relaxed in the ordering of your time; doing at any moment whatever chances to present itself as it presents itself. Rather you must keep strict revision of yourself and regulate your occupations and activities throughout the day and night, having something fixed to occupy every hour and neither doing anything outside it's fixed time nor doing anything else in that time. In this way the blessing on your time will be evident.
If however, you have uselessly neglected yourself as the animals do; not knowing what to do each hour, then, most of your time will be elapsed fruitlessly, and your life will have slipped from you. For your life is your capital and the basis of your net worth; by it you may attain to the joy of the eternal mansion where God most high is near. Every breath you draw is a jewel of inestimable worth, which nothing can replace it. Once it has passed, it cannot come back.
Do not be like the poor deluded fools who are delighted every day at the increase of their wealth and the decrease of their days. What good is there in increase of wealth when life is decreasing? Delight only in increase of knowledge and of good works, for they are friends who will continue to be with you in the tomb when your family, your wealth ,your children, and your friends are all left behind.

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