
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ould al Hajj

Shaykh Alama Mufti Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad bin Salek bin Fahfu. Is one of the greatest Ulema living today,
His Noble father is more known in the west as the Noble Shaykh Murabit Al Hajj. Shaykh Abdur Rahman is from the tribe of Massumi who trace their lineage back to the Himyar tribe of Yemen. The Shaykh himself comes from a long line of scholars and is known throughout Mauritania and the world for his knowledge and piety.

Shaykh Abdur Rahman is the senior son of Shaykh Murabit al Hajj, the Shaykh from a young age memorized the Quran and studied the sciences of reading the Quran. He then started studying Maliki Fiqh,

He memorized and mastered all the major texts in the Maliki Fiqh such as Akhdari, Ibn Ashir, the Risala of Ibn Abi Zaid, Ashalul Masalik, Nathmu Muqadimaati ibn Rushd, and the Mukhtasar of Sidi Khalil and many more.

He then started studying Arabic Grammar and Morphology, very soon the Shaykh memorized and mastered nearly all the major classical texts such as Ajromiyah, Lamia tul Afaal, Qatru Nada, Mulhat al 'Iraab and the Alfiyyah of Ibn Malik. In aqidah, he mastered the Ash'ari creed using the texts of Imam Ash Sharnubi, Imam al Bulaym, Jawahar at Tawhid, and Idaah as well as other texts.

The Shaykh is a master in Maliki Fiqh. Shaykh Abdur Rahman has mastered over 18 sciences, including Usul al Fiqh, Hadith, Inheritance, Muamalat, Quran recitation (he knows all 7 seven Qirats), Iraab al Quran, Tafseer al Quran, Mujizat al Quran, and many more.

The Shaykh has served as an Imam and Mufti in Abu Dhabi, and currently lives with his family and children in the old quarters of Granada, Spain.

This information, courtesy of the Abu Hanifah Institute,


  1. Salam does anyone know if the shaykh teaches in Granada? I go there often and would like to meet this blessed man.

    Jazakallahu khairan

  2. I believe he is the Imam of Masjid at-Taqwa in Granada, so if you can make it there you should have a good chance of finding him.

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